Profile PictureGhost

Vampier Couples (VRCHAT)

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Vampier Couples (VRCHAT)

2 ratings

Vampier Couples ★ avatar by ghosti#3435

discount code in my discord server

Package: for both 45$ and 25$ for each, the price gonna change after halloween to 45$ each and 70$ for both <3

★ Avatar 3.0 ★ rate the avatar please

it have Audio link for both

2 different packages male and female

both work with poipro and poitoon read the read me

the Male have 6 menues & 30 toggles 2 sliders

Female have 6 menues & 34 toggles 2 sliders

both male and female uses cloth physics

start with Female

Uses the new radial menu

everything is with dissolve

  • clothe toggles are, top/shirt/bra/panties/fishnets/skirt/heels/glasses

  • extra toggles. little spidy in your finger/ whip on and and off/ mimic

  • colors toggles and slider are hair black and silver/ skin dark and white / slider for pants and top colors /.slider for emissions and eye color

  • Locomotion toggle off and on

  • Cam prothrowjoint i change it to skull and did some edits ncludes all his new toggles

There gonna be DynamicPenetrationSystemV1_21-1 and blandshapes react to the dps pussy spread & tommy get filled ass spread and tommy filled to, mouth open toungh out and more details
8 dps toggles mouth/Handlleft/handright/ass/veg/assrub/titsrub & dildo

★ Forket Tongue

★ Dynamics at hair,ass,tits

★ Colliders everywhere 28 colidders

i'll do optmizizied when it get out of stuck

★ FBX included & prefabs

★ Custom Gestures

★ Fullbody ready

★ Unity Package

Male Vampier Damon

Uses the new radial menu

most of the stuff with dissolve

  • clothe toggles are, shoes/shirt/vest/socks/cape/resetcape/piercing/blindfolder

  • Radial puppet sliders light and Emissions

  • Fun toggles, Mimic Ghost/whip on hand and off/ little spidy in ur index

  • Locomotion toggle off and on

  • uwu toggles, pants /underwear/ pp / grabD/dildo

  • Cam prothrowjoint i change it to skull and did some edits includes all his new toggles

There gonna be DynamicPenetrationSystemV1_21-1 and blandshapes react to the dps pussy spread & tommy get filled ass spread and tommy filled to, mouth open toungh out and more details
8 dps toggles mouth/Handlleft/handright/ass/veg/assrub/titsrub & dildo

★ Forket Tongue

★ Dynamics at hair,./ cloth physics at cape

★ Colliders everywhere needed

i'll do optmizizied when it get out of stuck maybe

★ FBX included & prefabs

★ Custom Gestures

★ Fullbody ready

★ Unity Package

★ Creadis for 

Cam throwjoint Pro Edited by me

Body panda's Female Base  Face Cutie head

Monster heels MadCatD

Free - Elgance arm chain 

hair - Jae

outfit - Ida Faber

Whip - Daries

spidy - lily

Locomotion FIX by WetCat Click here

everything else by me from scratch 

cute underwears Click here

sailor moon Click here 

Ghosti pack Click here

And the amazing tatto on her body by the artis: nekochn contact me if u want your own


face - Pandaabear

Cam throwjoint Pro Edited by me

base by DollyMolly323 and Rastifan heavly edited by me you not allowed to use my edit

hair - siren

Whip - Daries

spidy - lily

shoes - Cyril43

Outfit - Lux Looks

By purchasing this product you agree that you will not redistribute the package in any form <3

you not allowed to share it with friends or reuse anything for sales 

you not allowed to share it even if you edit it

Please import some package prior to importing this one:

1. VRChat SDK for Avatars 3.0

2. The latest Poipro or Poiyomi Package - you can partner by joining there server and get the poipro from here

3. The latest Dynamic Bone Package

4. drop DynamicPenetrationSystemV1_21-1 you can buy it from here

5. This Package

thanks for buying my product <3

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